About Me


I am a first-year Political Science major at Ohio State. My interest in politics began while I was working as an assistant to a Peace Corp Volunteer in Mancos, Peru. The disparities in governance in Latin America and the United States fascinated me, and became the focus of my studies over my last years in high school. The summer I spent abroad was the most trans formative experience I’ve had so far and has perpetuated my passion for politics, especially in regards to cultural issues.

I want to expand on the passion I’ve found in this career field during my time at Ohio State by studying abroad, getting involved in learning communities, and sharpening my world view. These reasons helped me choose Ohio State, and also helped me choose International Affairs Scholars. Through the community of similarly-motivated students, I hope to broaden my perspective on the world and continue my learning journey.

I aim to continue my intrinsic enjoyment of service, particularly with girls’ education and empowerment. This was one of my core focuses while in Peru. The hands on experience of working so closely with the community sharpened my desire to bring change, especially in areas where girls and women are being denied their basic rights. Through my study of Political Science, I hope to understand the political side of inequality and the bureaucratic solutions to absolve the issues that have invigorated my passions.

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