Monthly Reflection- January

This semester so far, I’ve been learning about how culture influences our social development. I was particularly interested in how ideal culture and real culture contradict to result in cultural inconsistency. Basically, this means that there are specific values and  behaviors that are society expresses like honesty. This is the ideal culture. But in reality, people lie all the time whether it is in interviews, on dates, or to your friends. People lie to maintain a certain image of themselves, and this is the real culture. People lying while promoting honesty is a cultural inconsistency. This month I learned that under stress and when overwhelmed with a lot of work, I can still organize my time so that I can space out my school work. I also learned that I have improved at adapting to change. Moving back to campus, going through the airport, and switching from classes at home to classes on campus wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I definitely struggled with balancing work and free-time. With my schedule this semester, I am constantly doing school work and I rarely find myself even having time to watch Netflix anymore. I either spend all day doing work in my suite, or am gone most of the day doing work at the Union. Also, with the cold weather and snow, getting food and going places in general from Morrill has become more difficult. Last night, ice froze all over campus, and walking back to West Campus was pretty scary. On a positive note, I spent a lot of quality time with family over the break. I also acquired a board position in the club Shades of Animal Science as Recruitment Chair. I also continued to strengthen the friendships I made first semester. I feel like I have a solid support system on campus, and many people I can trust.

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