Not quite sure how to cite a YouTube video? Or maybe comma use isn’t your strong suit? From citing sources to actually finding the perfect source, The Writer’s Studio has a resource to help! Below are a few links to outside sources and handouts made by our peer writing consultants.
Ohio State University at Newark Writer’s Studio Resources
Below are instructional handouts on specific aspects of writing that the OSU Newark PWCs have created and maintain. Be sure to check back often as the library of handouts will be sure to grow. Feel free to contact Derek Boczkowski to suggest a topic for a new Writer’s Studio Resource.
- Citations
- Colons
- Commas
- Conclusion Paragraph
- Introduction Paragraph
- Outlining
- Paragraph Planning and Development
- Paragraph Types
- Prewriting
- Quotations
- Reverse Outlining
- Revision
- Revision Checklist
- Secondary Sources
- Semicolons
- Thesis Statement
- Topic Sentence
- Transitions
Ohio State University at Newark Citation Guides
Helpful Outside Links
The OWL at Purdue: Deservedly ballyhooed Online Writing Lab with many printable handouts and exercises for issues all along one’s writing process.
Dave’s ESL Cafe: Comprehensive Site for students and teachers alike, with many posted ideas and activities and a fine social network of forums.
York University’s Academic Integrity Tutorial: Offers tips on how students can detect and avoid plagiarism, with helpful case studies.
Citation Generator: An interactive web form that formats source information into MLA citations. You fill out the forms, copy the result and paste it into your document. APA and Chicago citations are available with a paid subscription.
Library Resources
Note: This section specific to Ohio State, and may not be available to students at other institutions. Contact your institution’s library for information on conducting research.
Ohio State Newark Library Research Databases List: The Ohio State University has purchased subscriptions to multiple research databases, each filled with potential research sources.
ILLiad: Interlibrary Services offers Ohio State students the ability to request books, articles, and films from other university and public libraries for free. Requests process in about a week, and requested research materials can be delivered to Warner Center Library for pick-up.
OhioLINK: Request research materials, and you can arrange to pick them up at an Ohio State library.