

Tuesday, June 8 (EDT)

11:00 am (Session Chair) Michal Sharon, Weizmann Institute
11:10 am Michael Marty, University of Arizona, UniDec: New Dimensions in Deconvolution (UniDec)
11:35 am Ken Durbin/Jack McGee (Kelleher group), Northwestern University, Determination of Complete Native Protein Complex Composition by Complex-down Analyses (ProSight Native)
12:00 pm Christian Bleiholder, Florida State University, Structure Relaxation Approximation for Elucidation of Protein Structures from Ion Mobility Measurements (PSA)
12:25 pm Brandon Ruotolo, University of Michigan, Collision Induced Unfolding: A Beginner’s Guide (CIUSuite)
12:50 pm Break (10 min)
1:00 pm Parallel Breakouts: Session 1 (Demos/Office hours)

  • A: Marius Kostelic, University of Arizona (Marty group), Introduction to UniDec
  • B: Ken Durbin/Jack McGee (ProSight Native)
  • C: Christian Bleiholder (PSA)
  • D: Brandon Ruotolo (CIUSuite)
1:45 pm Break (15 min)
2:00 pm Parallel Breakouts: Session 2 (Demos/Office hours)

  • A: Michael Marty, New and Advanced Features in UniDec
  • B: Ken Durbin/Jack McGee (ProSight Native)
  • C: Christian Bleiholder (PSA)
  • D: Brandon Ruotolo (CIUSuite)
2:45 pm Adjourn

Wednesday, June 9 (EDT)

11:00 am (Session Chair) Rebecca Beveridge, University of Strathclyde
11:10 am Marshall Bern, Protein Metrics, Three-Channel Charge Deconvolution for Native Mass Spectrometry (Intact Mass)
11:35 am Kyowon Jeong, Universität Tübingen, FLASHDeconv (Ultrafast deconvolution) to FLASHIda (Intelligent data acquistion)
12:00 pm Erik Marklund, Uppsala Universitet, IMPACT and Some of Its Lesser Known Features 
12:25 pm Perdita Barran, University of Manchester (Origami)
12:50 pm Break (10 min)
1:00 pm Parallel Breakouts: Session 1 (Demos/Office hours)

  • A: Marshall Bern/Grace Zdeblick (Intact Mass)
  • B: Oliver Kohlbacher/Kyowon Jeong (FlashDeconv)
  • C: Erik Marlund (IMPACT)
1:45 pm Break (15 min)
2:00 pm Parallel Breakouts: Session 2 (Demos/Office hours)

  • A: Marshall Bern/Grace Zdeblick (Intact Mass)
  • B: Oliver Kohlbacher/Kyowon Jeong (FlashDeconv)
  • C: Erik Marlund (IMPACT)
2:45 pm Adjourn

Thursday, June 10 (EDT)

11:00 am (Session Chair) Ying Ge, University of Wisconsin-Madison
11:10 am Jim Prell, University of Oregon, Accurate Collision Cross Section Prediction, Mass Deconvolution, and Intact Quantitation (iFAMS, Collidoscope)
11:35 am Sean McIlwain, University of Wisconsin-Madison, MASH Explorer, a Universal Tool for Native Top-Down Proteomics
12:00 pm Steffen Lindert, The Ohio State University, Protein Structure Prediction from MS Data (MS-guided structural prediction with Rosetta)
12:25 pm Matteo Degiacomi, Durham University, Ion Mobility vs Low-Resolution Models (EMnIM, DynamXL)
12:50 pm Break (10 min)
1:00 pm Parallel Breakouts: Session 1 (Demos/Office hours)

  • A: Jim Prell, (Collidoscope)
  • B: Sean McIlwain (MASH Explorer)
  • C: Steffen Lindert/Bargeen Turzo (Calculating CCS of known structure using PARCS in Rosetta)
  • D: Matteo Degiacomi (EMnIM, DynamXL)
1:45 pm Break (15 min)
2:00 pm Parallel Breakouts: Session 2 (Demos/Office hours)

  • A: Jim Prell, (iFAMS)
  • B: Sean McIlwain (MASH Explorer)
  • C: Steffen Lindert/Bargeen Turzo (Predicting structure in Rosetta using IM data)
  • D: Matteo Degiacomi (EMnIM, DynamXL)
2:45 pm Adjourn