About Me

Hello! I’m Natalie and I am currently exploring the Engineering Program. I have not yet figured out which major I am most interested in, because they are all interesting in their own way. I am extremely interested in mathematics and always trying to develop a deeper understanding of the subject. Math has always been one of my favorite things to do, along with puzzles and dancing. This year I am a member of Stylez, a hip-hop group here at OSU. I enjoy it very much and I’m looking forward to getting more involved during my time here. One of my goals is to use my education and experience to better the lives of others. That is why I chose the Humanitarian Engineering Scholars program, I wanted to learn how to help others through engineering. I grew up in Grove City, which is about 15 minutes south of campus. I’ve been in Columbus my whole life but I’m so excited to experience the city as a student!