Final Drafts – 2D Principles and Squares – Project Two (2110)


Using one of each selected word, create a final draft of the project.



Get feedback on almost-complete designs and critique others as well. See if your ideas are communicating as effectively as you may have perceived.


My Interpretation:

The terms for each box (from upper right to bottom left) is: order, playful, bold, congested, tension, and tension again. I did not include increase because I did not think I needed one of each word for the final submission. I have since edited to include increase. Scribbled on the drafts are some critiques and comments and suggestions for the final product.

2D Principles and Squares – First Iterations – Project Two (2110)



Create 12 individual interpretations of six separate words (order, increase, bold, playful, congested, and tension) using only four perfect squares.  72 drawings total.


Practice related to iterations and general design practice. Investigate different ideas and potential each word has. Explore ideas and differentiation.

My Interpretation:

I paired each word with a few meanings to help create a certain feeling within my drawings:

  • order
    • breaking order, rebellion
    • following orders, staying in line, following others
    • overbearing order, oppressive, big brother
    • ordering a product, production
  • increase
    • larger and larger:
      • sizes of squares
      • rotation of squares
      • overlap of squares
      • distance of squares
      • (changing from black to white) color of squares
  • bold
    • standing out, being different, unique
    • pushing through, brave, daring, arrogant
    • foreign, strange, off
  • playful
    • games, child-like behavior
    • rolling, jumping, throwing
    • cooperation
  • congested
    • crowded, too many things
    • overflowing
  • tension
    • tension and release
    • fear, suspension, dissatisfaction
    • unknown danger

Research – 2D Principles and Squares – Project Two (2110)

a. Order

  1. (noun) The arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
  2. (noun) An authoritative command, direction, or instruction.
  3. (verb) To give an authoritative direction or instruction to do something.
  4. (verb) A request (something) to be made, supplied, or served.
    • themes of conformity, submission, discipline, and linearity
    • feelings of oppression, boredom, and rebellion

b. Increase

  1. (verb) To become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
  2. (noun) An instance of growing or making greater.
    • themes of improvement, acceleration, size, progress, and loss of control
    • feelings of being overbearing or overwhelmed, confidence in improvement, and development

c. Bold

  1. (adjective) (of a person, action, or idea) Showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.
  2. (adjective) (of a color or design) Having a strong or vivid appearance.
  3. (noun) A bold typeface or letter.
    • themes of uniqueness, strength, leadership, and importance
    • feelings of fear of being the only one, confidence in being individual, breaking conformity, and demanding attention

d. Playful

  1. (adjective) Fond of games and amusement; lighthearted.
    • themes of childhood, innocence, fun, expression, and euphoria
    • feelings of happiness, giddiness, the longing to do it again, the hypocrisy that “more people should act playful” but being playful is frowned upon professionally
      • be playful, please

e. Congested

  1. (adjective) (of a road or place) So crowded with traffic or people as to hinder freedom of movement.
  2. (adjective) (of a part of the body) Abnormally full of blood.
    • themes of sickness, plague, disease, anxiety, claustrophobia, and discomfort
    • feelings of wanting to escape, wanting to stay uninvolved, fear of being too close, the need to find a place other than this, and pathological fatigue

f. Tension

  1. (noun) The state of being stretched tight.
  2. (noun) Mental or emotional strain.
  3. (verb) Apply a force to (something) which tends to stretch it.
    • themes of strain, distraught, trauma, globophobia, breakage, and release
    • feelings of mental debilitation, the want to change the current state of being, on the edge of snapping or releasing calmly, and the fear of something going wrong

Elements of Design Guide – 2d Priciples and Squares – Project Two (2110)


Using the 15 elements of design, create a guide in a 2.5″ by 2.5″ square. Each square should represent one element.



Deeply understand the use of elements of design, why they’re important, and how they may look. This can be turned back to in cases where a reminder of the elements is necessary.


My Interpretation:

Each square is my personal take on the 15 elements. See above. The element being portrayed is written atop the columns of squares.