The Narrative
We plan to focus on the origin of the Zodiac, specifically the sign of Cancer. We aim to recreate its beginnings as well as major aspects of it’s creation and transformation throughout history. The main aspects of what a Cancer is, how they act, and their strengths and weaknesses will also be highlighted. This performance will resemble Ancient Greek performance, done in an ampitheatrical style, an audience sitting in and listening to masked performers taking on and acting as things they are not, recreating stories that have been passed down for centuries.
The masking used will be for two performers, putting on a show for an audience who is sitting in to learn about the Zodiac, specifically the creation, history, and origin of the Cancer sign. Only the performers will be interacting directly with the masking, at most, an audience will only be able to see or touch the exterior of the project, not use it.
The part of the body I plan to mask is the hand or possibly both hands. I aim to mimic the shape of a geometric crab pincer that completely goes over the hand. Not only will it resemble a crab’s true anatomy, but it will also be functional with working mechanics and a snug fit within the piece. It will integrate human interaction with a non-human exterior, possibly having the four main fingers bound to the top pincer and the thumb responsible for the bottom one.
This augmentation is only to be used in performance, story telling, and historical recounting of the Cancer zodiac sign. Any other recreational use is not tied to the narrative of the Zodiac, though it may happen anyways. 🙂
The masking is to only be encountered from one of two states: as a performer using it directly, or as an audience member observing it from a designated distance. The performer places in over the hand and uses it in random with the scene partner, and the audience simply observes unless directly interacted with.
The augmentation is slipped onto the hand or hands of the performer, previously being fitted properly so the inside mechanics fit only to the right person. The bending, snapping, and clenching of the pincer(s) will be a result of the clenching of an extended hand to a fist within the form itself. The mechanics, in theory, will be completely concealed.