Gifting Design – Recipient Response – Project Three (2310)


Give the gift and record the recipient opening it.



Document the process and the gift-opening for proof.


My Interpretation

I drove down to Columbus from Cleveland to hand off (not literally, we he picked it up after I set it down, social distancing and all that) the gift directly to Rhys. I informed him to take a video as he opened the gift, and his wife recorded him as he opened it. I had to run home immediately after as I had a class and needed to make the drive.

Gifting Design – Refine and Test Giving Gift – Project Three (2130)



Mock opening your gift with another member of the class. Refine the process.



Get an outside perspective on your progress and see what needs to be refined from presentation to the gift opening process. Have both the physical and digital aspects analyzed and critiqued. Refine and improve all aspects.


My Interpretation

I “gave” my gift to Shaylee, a member in my group. I was unable to give my gift to her physically for obvious reasons, so we stuck to a digital format and showing off the physical form through video calls. I shared with her the digital aspect of my project, the site I created with the photos I edited to make them seem like they were displayed in a white museum gallery. Shaylee helped me refine the site that the figurines were displayed, streamlining the process and making it easier to access. We also talked about changing descriptions as well. Additionally, I showed her how the gift would open and be presented and we refined that process as well. Finally, I also allowed my sister to open the gift, giving her free reign of the project with little instruction. She figured out how to open it with ease, and understood the gift being the figurines. The way to get to the digital aspect will be via QR code on the back of the theatre.

Interpreted Journey – Drafts – Project Three (2310)


Create five or more near-16:9 drawings utilizing compositional elements as a draft.



Finalize decisions on compositional elements should be decided. Prepare for final submission.


My Interpretation

I wanted to explore the idea of being chased by having ever-enclosing angles of the person being chased, save the last drawing. It starts with an over-the-shoulder mid-shot in hopes to set the scene and show the stakes for what is about to happen. The next drawing is a canted mid-shot to emphasize the motion in the chase, and the next is in rule of thirds and golden triangle to draw your eye to important parts of the drawing, mainly the rubbing subject (to be added). The fourth drawing is a high and slightly canted angle, again showing motion, but also allowing the subject to look small and running out of room. Next, I contrasted the previous drawing by doing a low-angle frame within a frame shot. Though the low angle makes the subject larger, the clock tower is the overbearing figure in the composition, allowing a unique big-but-still-small look on the subject. The final drawing was originally going to be a close-up but I decided to change it to birds-eye and focus on the Fibonacci spiral to frame the size of the crowd chasing down the subject, creating an overwhelming feeling of “I’ve been caught.”