The Zodiac and Cancer (script)
Create a concept statement for your project. Create a script for the performance aspect of the project.
The concept statement is to hone into the essence of the project and how everything comes together to create a cohesive project. The script is to allow for structure within the performance as well as a guide for the performers to follow, should anyone be able to use the masking forms.
My Interpretation
I wrote the script while my partner, Fabian, created the concept statement. We both edited the first iterations into the final versions. For the script, I wanted to focus on the duality of factual scientific aspects of Cancer contrasted against the emotional, mythical, and metaphorical aspects. The two performers strike a balance of speaking over each other at first, allowing the other to speak as the performance goes on, and ultimately ending by cooperating and speaking together in unison as a way of communicating that both parties need to exist to create the whole of what “Cancer” stands for. While one party is speaking, they speak directly to the audience in two very different ways. In the same fashion, the party that is not speaking moves in a very particular way to emphasize the speaker’s words and meaning. The performer with the metaphorical crab claw as a masking form is speaking analytically, as if lecturing a class. The performer with the constellation arm masking form is speaking as if telling a story to an enthused audience.