Hidden In Plain Sight – Models – Project One (2130)


Create three “models” of your words in space.



Find out if the proper feeling is being conveyed by your choice of words and the area they’re in and how they are hidden. Explore how the views can change in space and how they can be viewed over time with (or without) human interaction.


My Interpretation

I plan to install the words “A calming/ A stilling/ A hearing/ A waiting” (I swapped “hearing” and “waiting” from the original because I wanted “A waiting” to be last) in a place where the answer to this poem lies – in the Fine Arts Library – where you are there to study, but are able to take a break from everything for a moment and appreciate your surroundings. The literal answer to the poem is “A break”. I want the words to be hidden and only visible from a resting/sitting position, emphasizing that the answer that, in taking a break, stopping to focus on yourself doesn’t mean you’re not making progress. The lounge spot is a common resting area, but the words may be too visible before reaching the couch in the space which would dampen the point. The chair by the bookshelves is a great personal and inclusive spot, the words can blend in with the blur of colored books, even being more and less covered up as more and less books from that specific shelf are checked in and out. The ottoman space is almost too hidden, leading me to want to make it visible, but unreadable, from the lower level of the library (see video) in order to make someone pursue the words in the space, much like how you’d work towards a break in your day-to-day. Finally, I also currently plan to add a small graphic (early draft seen in previous progress post on concept statement draft) alongside the words installed to further the theme of progress not being halted while resting.

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