Sensory Abstraction – Research – Project Six (2110)

Listening to My Favorite Playlist, Longboarding to Class (In the Cold).

  • Riding the Board
    • touch
      • the push
        • boot is stiff and restrictive
        • heel to sole to toe roll
        • consecutive pushes
        • left thigh sore from supporting
        • right calf sore from pushing
      • bumps
        • legs shake
        • knees bend
        • rebalance necessary
          • arms out
      • the wind
        • cuts the face
        • ears feel raw
        • fingers, if exposed, are numb
      • hand in pockets
        • one hand on my phone checking the playlist
        • shielded from cold
        • fuzzy jacket
    • sound
      • the music
        • upbeat, strong, intense, heavy
        • dulcet, cool, relaxed, fun
        • folky, punchy, earthy, vibrant
        • slow, melancholic, melodic, ambient, ethereal
      • the rumble of the wheels
        • rhythmic, constant, calming
        • loud and echoing off buildings
      • others walking and talking
        • footsteps
        • no discernible conversation hear
        • disjointed and meaningless strings of words
        • small snapshots into lives of people
    • taste
      • dry tongue
        • extremely
      • piercingly cold air
    • smell
      • road salt
      • leather jacket
      • moisturizer/cologne
    • sight
      • many people
      • blurry landscapes
      • self
    • emotion
      • feel like a badass

Waking Up From a Nap When You Really Don’t Want To.

  • Waking Up
    • touch
      • the warm bed and blankets
        • comfortable and lovely
        • heavy and warm
      • the cold air
        • harsh and dry
        • frigid
        • goosebumps
    • sound
      • the alarm
        • piercing and loud
        • disorienting
        • annoying and terrible
      • the rustling of blankets and clothes
        • soothing and soft
        • gentle and welcoming
    • taste
      • a dry mouth
        • drink water (lots of water)
        • feel better
        • throat is coarse
    • smell
      • the clean linens
        • comforting
        • relaxing
        • hard to leave
      • the sweat
        • a little gross
        • smells like… sweat
    • sight
      • the dorm room in shade
        • sensitive to light
        • eyes watery
        • hard to focus on anything
    • emotion
      • the complete discontent
        • is this really happening?
      • the dread
        • I really don’t want to move

The Final Bow.

  • Finishing the Performance
    • touch
      • stepping/walking/running/dancing on the stage
        • wooden boards
        • the occasional loose nail, crew,  prop, or costume piece
        • sturdy and solid
      • the cool air from the house
        • refreshing
        • gives goosebumps
      • the sweat
        • dripping down your face
        • can’t touch it
    • sound
      • the finale scene/song
        • talking/singing
        • score
      • the performance
        • movement sounds
        • talking/singing
    • taste
      • the sweat
        • can’t stop it from falling
        • salty
        • a bit gross
      • dry tongue
        • too much talking/singing/moving
        • tacky and sticky
    • smell
      • the set
        • recently cut wood
          • earthy and familiar
          • comforting
          • dusty
        • dried pigmented paint
          • chemically, sharp on the nose
          • dry and arid
      • the audience
        • fancy clothes
          • peoples getting dressed up in their finest clothes
          • corduroy, velvet, and cotton
        • clean
          • fresh scent from freshly showered people
          • brushed teeth
    • sight
      • the other performers in the scene
        • varies on the scene
          • can be sad, happy, funny, angry, etc.
        • actors are friendly and lovely
        • in the moment
          • sweating, laughing, crying
      • the darkness of the house
        • ominous and haunting
        • try to ignore
        • stares from strangers
    • emotion
      • the scene
        • whatever the scene calls for
        • satisfaction of performing
      • the end
        • relief and pride
        • joy and completion
  • Bowing
    • sound
      • the applause
        • deafening
        • comes and goes in waves of loudness
        • can hear individuals and the wholE
    • sight
      • every cast member
        • friends you’ve made along the way
        • exhausted
        • smiling and bowing
    • emotion
      • the bow
        • ecstatic for everyone involved
        • proud of work put in
        • content in a job well done
  • Leaving the Stage
    • touch
      • the actors patting each other’s backs/hugging
        • warm and sappy
        • close but not uncomfortable
    • sight
      • the darkness from the house leaves
        • see the whole audience
        • individual faces
          • friends, family, strangers
      • backstage
        • the secrets behind the set
          • goofy and fun
          • complex and full of coordination
    • emotion
      • bittersweet
        • it’s over
        • you’ve now got to say goodbye to the friends you’ve met
        • may not see them again

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