Pattern & Scale – Exploring Ideas – Project Five (2110)



Create your graphic from the previous project in 3D space.  Focus on volume and depth in two separate creations. Explore ideas and create a prototype. 



This project is quick, communicate your ideas fast and effectively with simple creations that can express an idea. Explore the ideas of depth and volume and how they effect space and patter and scale. Experiment with chitboard and get used to it’s structural qualities.


My Interpretation

Volume as a concept came easy to me, but depth was more difficult. To help to understand ideas, I decided to start with a pattern that looks similar to my graphic and start warping it. Soon I realized I wanted to use the depth idea as a cave-like anthill pattern, bulding off the previously established bug theme. I changed the pattern and created tunells vetween the two seperate holes underneath in lower layes. I also played with layer height, making the top layers high and far apart and the lower layers literally touching.

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