Explore palette possibilities within the line work of what was previously established. Use color schemes that are found in nature or mimic a picture of it. Additional lines within the line work are allowed.
Understand and acknowledge varies types of color palettes, observe nature’s natural colors and try and capture what makes them so pleasing to look at.
My Interpretation
I started by reevaluating the beetle, noticing that it’s shiny green exterior reflected various warm colors of yellow and red. Trying to build off of that, for the beetle, I added a bent line to copy the reflective surface it has, initially staying in a monotone green then developing by adding a complimentary red. Eventually I ditched that idea and tried the analogous style, first doing blue and green pastels like the ocean, then ultimately deciding on a much wider analogous pattern that reflects the changing leaves outside. Moving on to the eye, I initially started with split-complimentary (both with a whiter and black background). I then experimented with removing some lines and thickening certain lines to see how that changes the weight and balance of the entire composition with several analogous and monotone palettes. Finally, with the legs of the beetle I experimented with a gradient of purples broken by its split-compliment of red and orange to try and capture the colors of a sunset. I also did this with the body of the beetle.