

This book, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss, is one of my favorite books. A lot of people may think of it as a children’s book that I shouldn’t be reading at this point in my life, however, I think otherwise. It was given to me by my favorite teacher my senior year of high school. He told me that I needed to keep the main idea of this book in my head as I start my journey in the real world. This book talks about the adversity I will have to push through as the years go on, as well as the doubts that will cross my mind; however, despite all of this, I need to remember that, in the end, I will succeed and I will push through due to determination. This book, no matter how childish it seems, makes a point that people of all ages should remember. It has and will motivate me as I continue my academic career.


This is a picture of me from my senior year playing lacrosse; the position I played was attack. I started playing lacrosse due to a random impulse I had in the 7th grade, and I never regretted it. It became a big part of my life by causing me to make new friends and putting me in a constant routine throughout my middle school and high school career. It put me in good shape as well as built my confidence as a whole whenever I played and when I was with my teammates. My senior year of high school I became a co-captain and was able to encourage and lead the team, which helped build my leadership and communication skills. Overall, lacrosse made a big impact on me as a person; it has made me more disciplined and confident, as well as built my leadership and communication skills.