Assessment Reports

Three assessment reports exploring feedback the Libraries received in the 2011 and 2013 LibQUAL surveys are now available for OSU Libraries faculty and staff in CarmenWiki. Together, these three reports and studies create a picture of some of the Libraries online presence, surfacing those elements of which work well, as well as opportunities for improvement. The reports include:

Institutional Research Consultants (IRC) Graduate Student & Faculty Search Task Study

To help improve the OSU Libraries understanding of graduate students and faculty search issues, IRC interviewed 24 individuals evenly distributed between the Arts & Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences, and Science disciplines between December 2013 and January 2014

Old Wine in New Bottles: UX Demystified

Summary of the April 3, 2014 User Experience Program for The Ohio State University Libraries

The Libraries invited Gretchen McNeely, a user experience (UX) researcher and strategiest to campus to provide a daylong UX professional development program for the Libraries’ faculty and staff. Ms. McNeely provided several recommendations for advancing UX in the Libraries’ virtual and physical environments.

2013 Usage Profile of

In late January 2014, an informal group created a usage profile for based on the 2013 calendar year using Google Analytics. The project focused on library-generated content delivered via only, meaning usage data for domains such as,, and was not considered for the analysis.

Please note: Access to these reports is restricted to University Libraries faculty and staff. To view the links above, please first login to CarmenWiki in your web browser. Then copy and paste the link into your web browser.

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