About Me


HES About Me

HI! My name is Manasa Murali and I am from Dublin, Ohio. In high school I joined a lot of clubs to just join them or because my friends did them but the one thing I am really passionate about is helping others. That’s why my dream job is to be a biomedical engineer and work with prosthetics for the army. A club that I was really interested in and loved in high school was Relay For Life; an organization that helped raise money for cancer research. I plan on joining Relay for Life at OSU too. One experience that specifically impacted me during high school was when I visited India and went to a school for the blind. I had never had an experience like this before and it was nice to be surrounded by people who were constantly smiling and laughing even though they had a huge speed bump in their life. This was the first of many experiences that made me think about how fortunate I was, and sparked my passion and want to help others. At my time at OSU, I want to do a study abroad in a third world country, get plenty of experience through internships, and find time in my schedule to do undergraduate research. I am excited to be here at OSU and for HES!


Top 5 Strengths:

  1. Adaptability
  2. Developer
  3. Harmony
  4. Empathy
  5. Deliberative

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