


Orchestra- I have been part of orchestra and played the violin for 7 years. Here I am with my friends that I made by joining orchestra, throughout my 4 years in high school, and my teacher. Playing and practicing the violin for orchestra taught me a good work ethic which I have been able to apply to all aspects of my academic life. Additionally, being in orchestra allowed me to meet different people and I learned a lot from each person; being friends with people who had similar interests as me and took similar classes also introduced me to the ideas of study groups which I found to be successful , which directly affected my academic success. Overall, being in orchestra and playing the violin has hugely influenced my academic life.



Relay For Life-  One thing that has come to be very important for me this semester is my involvement in Relay For Life. This year I joined the sponsorship committee at the Ohio State chapter of Relay For Life. Relay For Life is a non-profit organization that raises money to donate towards cancer research, the Hope lodge and various other organizations. Every year, Relay For Life has an event in the summer in which we continue to fundraise and bring the community together to recognize how cancer has affected the community around us. I am part of the team that works hard into getting different companies and organizations to donate money/products to help our cause and the event. This responsibility has taught me the importance of committing to something and working hard when needed. In the recent year, cancer has affected me and my family and thus this organization has become very important for me as I feel like I can make a difference even if it is in the smallest aspect.

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