
Cover Letter

Trevor Miracle

Heath,Oh 43056


I am currently a student at the Ohio State University. My major is Aviation and I might pick up a minor. I would really like to be able to get a job that has to do with being a pilot. I graduated from Heath High School and am currently a sophomore in college.

After working at my local water park I’ve learned how to communicate well within a system. I’m a people person and talking to coworkers and strangers is very easy for me. I am a quick learner and am not afraid to speak up when I don’t understand something. I have a very calm demeanor and work well under pressure. I am used to working under stress so I don’t get stressed out  when I am working. While being employed there I learned to cook, manage money, and communicate with other workers effectively.  I believe that I could contribute to the industry because of my strong work ethic and ability to get tasks done fast.

Some short term goals I have are getting good grades in my college classes, making all of my club meetings, and getting a job. Some of the longer term goals I have would be graduating college, getting a job where I could use my degree and fly, and getting an apartment. Now the long term goals that all the short term goals would help me get to would be a steady pilot job at an airline, a house close enough to a major airport so I could make an easy commute home after work and possibly start a family. These are the goals that I am currently working for and hope to achieve in my life.