Biological Psychiatry – Psych 5613H

Next course: SPRING 2026

The goal of the course is to provide a contemporary survey of the biological basis of neuropsychiatric dysfunction and resulting behavioral syndromes. The course will highlight mood and anxiety disorders, stress-based disorders, and schizophrenia. For each disorder, students will learn the diagnostic classifications, presenting symptomatology, underlying neurobiological dysfunctions, theories regarding etiology, and therapeutic strategies. We will directly compare the heuristic leverage provided by the long-time DSM approach with that of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) perspective. A key thematic thread throughout the course will be the parallel evolution of our understanding of the organization and function of the brain, theories of the pathophysiological basis of neural dysfunction, and research methodologies used in the investigation of neural mechanisms involved in the control of complex behaviors.

Principles of Clinical Neuropsychology – Psych 7865 (open to Psychology graduate students)

Next course: SPRING 2025, FALL 2026

This course will provide graduate students with the foundation for the neuropsychological assessment of adults. Topics include functional neuroanatomy, cognitive processes embedded in neuropsychological tests, differential diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric disorders, and case conceptualization. Professional and ethical issues that arise for the clinical neuropsychologist will be discussed.

Psychological Assessment – Psych 7864 (open to Clinical Area Psychology graduate students only)

Next course: FALL 2025, FALL 2027

This course is designed to provide an overview of the fundamental concepts of psychological assessment and hands-on training in administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests. Emphasis will be placed on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) and commonly used neuropsychological assessments. The course is organized around these content domains: (1) Historical foundations and current trends in psychological assessment (2) Topics in psychological assessment including intelligence testing controversies, neuropsychological assessment, mental health diagnostic assessment, multicultural issues in assessment (3) Technical administration of the WAIS-IV and MMPI-2 (4) Integrative report writing (5) Providing feedback to assessment volunteer (6) Case presentation.

Thesis Research – Psych 4999.02H

Seminar designed to support data collection/analysis, and writing and defending of the thesis (or with Honors), including quantitative methods, data interpretation, summary, presentation, writing results & discussion, poster presentation, and oral defense.