True Colors Reflection

The true colors activity is an unique excerise that is applicable in this scholars organization because it helps for everyone to learn basic characteristics of the groups members and helps to give a motive to their actions. With the introduction of a motive I believe that everyone can better understand the actions an individual preforms. When everyone is able to understand each other on a more complete basis it allows for the group to function at a higher level which in return makes the group more effective. I believe that the group activity would work well with any group but mainly professional groups because it would allow you to understand your coworkers more. It would allow individuals to understand each other’s motives and peeves which in return would allow the work force to function at a higher and more effective level due to the increase in chemistry between the employees.

It allows people the ability to understand each other because it breaks individuals into four classes, each with their own stereotypes and characteristics  that are broad and easily identifiable. By understanding these characteristics it allows an individual to understand each perceived person easier due to them having a baseline to judge them. It also allows the ability to build groups based on the four classes which in return can lead to groups that have a higher rate of function. By understanding each other’s personalities it can lead to a deeper understanding that will allow for a greater amount of success in a group or team.


I have seen leadership in how instructors teach certain moves during sparing and I believe that is leadership because it is an act of educating somebody to make them better without regard of yourself. A leader must not be selfish with their knowledge which is why I interpret the instructor as a leader. I also believe that it shows leadership because it requires one man/woman to set aside their ego in order to follow somebody’s instructions. This shows leadership because a leader is one who commands respect which can be seen in how the instructees disregard their ego in order to learn from someone they see as a leader.