July 7, 2015. More Downy Mildew in Ohio

Downy mildew was reported in cucumbers on a farm in West Salem, Wayne County, and in one of our sentinel plots in Fremont (Sandusky County).   The early introduction of downy mildew into northern Ohio, and the rainy, cool weather mean high risk for downy mildew in cucumbers and melons in the northern half of the state.  Growers should be diligent in fungicide application to cucumbers and melons (cantaloupe, etc.).  See recommendations on June 20 and June 25.  Dr. Mary Hausbeck, Michigan State University, recommends the following as an option, on a 4-7 day schedule:.

Spray #1: Ranman (high rate: 2.75 fl oz) + Bravo WeatherStik (high rate: 3 pt)

Spray #2: Previcur Flex + Zing!

Spray #3: Zampro + Bravo WeatherStik (high rate: 3 pt)

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