Fever and acute viral illness information for pediatric patients

As we enter cold & flu season, here is some great information on how to take care of your little one when they are ill

Fever/Acute Illness information

If you child has a fever and any of all of the following

  • Runny nose or Nasal congestion
  • Cough
  • Decreased appetite but generally drinking adequate amounts of fluids (enough fluid to make urine at least 2-3 times a day)
  • Lacy rash over chest, back or extremities that seems mostly asymptomatic (not itchy, no weeping areas/blisters)
  • Red eye(s) with discharge and “crusty” lashes, especially after sleeping, that can be removed with a warm wash cloth
  • Increased fatigue, wanting to sleep and nap more

Then this is reassuring, all symptoms above are consistent with an acute viral illness which you and your child will get many times throughout life. 


Continue reading Fever and acute viral illness information for pediatric patients

Caring for a child age 1 to 5 with Diarrhea

Diarrhea (Age 1-5)

Definition – Diarrhea is:

  • The sudden increase in the number and looseness of stools
  • Diarrhea means 2 or more watery stools.
    • Reason: a few loose stools can be normal with changes in diet.
  • Most diarrhea is caused by a viral infection of the intestines.

Health Information Diarrhea Scale:
Mild: 2-5 watery stools per day
Moderate: 6-9 watery stools per day
Severe: 10 or more watery stools per day

The main risk of diarrhea is dehydration.
• Loose or runny stools do not cause dehydration.
• Frequent, watery stools can cause dehydration.

Continue reading Caring for a child age 1 to 5 with Diarrhea