Caring for a child age 1 to 5 with Diarrhea

Diarrhea (Age 1-5)

Definition – Diarrhea is:

  • The sudden increase in the number and looseness of stools
  • Diarrhea means 2 or more watery stools.
    • Reason: a few loose stools can be normal with changes in diet.
  • Most diarrhea is caused by a viral infection of the intestines.

Health Information Diarrhea Scale:
Mild: 2-5 watery stools per day
Moderate: 6-9 watery stools per day
Severe: 10 or more watery stools per day

The main risk of diarrhea is dehydration.
• Loose or runny stools do not cause dehydration.
• Frequent, watery stools can cause dehydration.

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