Growing in my Knowledge of the French Language

This semester, I was enrolled in a French Literature course. I was beginning to doubt my French speaking skills. I know that I still struggle with listening to others speak French, but this project assured me that I am able to speak the language much better than I thought. I chose to do a presentation over gender roles in french cinema for my final oral project for the course. I was not sure that I would be able to create a 10-15 minute presentation in French. However, my peers and teachers were notably impressed by this presentation and I was given a 98% on the project.

I was hoping to study abroad this summer in France, before COVID-19 cancelled my plans. I was beginning to fear that I would be unable to speak and others would not understand me. This project gave me hope that I would be able to communicate well abroad, while improving my listening skills.

Artifact- FAST

This past March, I received my First Aid with BLS and Administration of Emergency Oxygen certification. I am working with the Red Cross as a part of the First Aid Service Team. This program has helped me to advance my career and begin to gain patient service skills. I have found more than a volunteer opportunity with this program, I have found a second family to whom I can reach out to for advice at any time.

Bio-Sci Scholars Event

As a Bio-Sci Scholar, I have been given the opportunity to meet many different people with similar interests. On September 15th, I was able to attend the scholars tailgate  before going to the football game. This event allowed me to spend time with not only fellow Bio-Sci Scholars, but also to mingle with other scholars that live on north campus. As a scholar, I have gained a lot of communication skills and learned how to socialize with new people. Bio-Sci and my fellow scholars have brought me out of my comfort zone and forced me into new situations.


October 11, 2018

I was given the opportunity to shadow a Physician Assistant, Seth Agyeman-Berko, at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. This experience was only for a few hours, but it was my first opportunity to be in a clinical hospital setting. The short amount of time with him was enough to solidify the fact that I want to work in a hospital, specifically with children. While I can not discuss on a public forum most of what we did during the day, I can say that seeing patients made me realize that many of the patients rely on hospital staff for more than medical care. The hospital staff often acts as advocates for the patients in other aspects of their life such as their home life. Before this day I had never even considered P.A. school as an option for me, but now I have a much more open mind and would possibly consider it as an option if medical school were not to work out. Also after shadowing Seth, I have been given the opporunity to shadow a pediatric surgeon in the near future.