Explore Columbus Part 2!!

For our second explore Columbus, Hanna and I debated going to a variety of places. We were deciding between Jeni’s and North Market when we were originally going to do it, but due to a last-minute conflict had to reschedule. The next week when we decided to go it was a colder day and sort of gloomy so neither of us really felt in the mood for ice cream anymore. North market was also further to go and was not going to fit into our schedules for that day as well, so we decided to see if there was a coffee shop nearby that we could try out. Hanna and I were in the same math class everyday second semester, so we went after math and as we were leaving asked people if they had any suggestions. Someone suggested that we go to Kafe Kerouac which we both have heard of but neither of us have ever been to. Since it is so close by we felt like it was something we should try out while at Ohio State. We were on the other side of campus, so we took a bus there and learned on the way that neither of us actually like coffee which is funny since we had decided to go to a coffee shop.

When we got there, it was not what either of us really expected but was a cool experience. They had lots of records, books, art pieces, and even a stage. We went in the middle of the afternoon and there were lots of people there. Both of us got hot chocolate and liked how everyone was given their drinks in different mugs. Hanna and I agreed that it was some of the best hot chocolate we have ever had.

As we walked to the bus, rode the COTA, and sat in the coffee shop, we were able to bond over a variety of things. We talked a lot about math because that played a big part in both of our school work since it was five credit hours. At the time we were in the middle of projects and that day I had presented so we talked about presentations that had been happening. We even got to talk about the drama that had happen in math class.

In addition to math, I had Hanna go through what classes she was taking next semester so that I could give her pointers or tell her if I had any of the same professors she was going to have. Being the same major really helped us connect through school. It ended up that most of her classes do not have professors listed yet, so we are not sure yet. I made sure to tell her she could always text me and ask questions this summer or next year since I have been through year two in the pre-major and the transition to getting into the major.

I was also excited to hear about the updates with ski team and the new trips Hanna is going on with them. Additionally, she seems to have stayed very involved with clubs around campus her whole semester, so I enjoyed hearing that she plans to continue these next year. We both are going to be nannies this summer in Cincinnati too so we may even see each other around as we take our kids to different activities around the city throughout the summer.

I would definitely recommend Kafe Kerouac to a friend because it is so close and has lots of seating. I think it creates an atmosphere where you could talk to a friend or do work. In addition, they have good hot chocolate which I would definitely recommend, and I would assume their coffee is also good.

I think this experience highlights even more for me how many little spots in Columbus and hidden gems there are. I do not know that I would have just seen the outside of Kafe Kerouac and gone but having it recommended by a friend and the fact that it was close by made us go and really enjoy the experience. My favorite part as I learn more about Columbus is finding these cool little areas. After living in Columbus for two years, I still feel like I have barley seen any of the city and neighborhoods even though I have been to quite a few. I would recommend to other mentor and mentees to keep exploring Columbus and step out of your comfort zone to try new things because that is how you find the most interesting experiences!