English Primary Source Analysis

In English 1110, we are required to write a research paper for the class. The topic of my class is cities, so as my topic I chose to research cultural tourism as it relates to the city. One of the first assignments to the class was to choose a primary source and then analyze it while relating back to what we want to discuss in our main paper. This analysis challenged me to look at a source in a different way while relating it to a topic I knew very little information about.

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ACES Film Project

Below is the PDF of my ACES film project presentation. For this presentation, myself and three others watched the movie Finding Home which describes the current sex trafficking in Cambodia and the creation of the Ralpha House. The project allowed me to gain further knowledge on many of the problems occurring today and analyze them. I also connected aspects of them to the ACES pillars.

Finding Home Presentation-266qafx