Watch the video and look at the lesson plan from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory!
Author: osuscientificthinkers
Sulfur Materials Science Applications
Thermal Expansion
Be sure to check these lesson plans out about thermal expansion.
Growing Crystals
See these websites if interested in various recipes and techniques for growing crystals!
Crystal Defects and Motion Delocation
Check out these resources about crystal defects and the TEK8 Design challenge!
TEK 8:
Presentation: -> 2015 TEK8 -> “Dislocations and Material Deformation.pptx”
Videos: -> 2015 TEK8 -> “Dislocation Motion -Telling the Story.mp4” and “Dislocation Motion -Design Challenge Video.mp4”
History of Materials Science
Ever wondered about the history of materials science? Well, check these links out!
“Why the story of materials is really the story of civilisation” by Mark Miodownik article
The Activity Series
Along with the video above, here’s some resources about the activity series from TEDEd!
Nitinol Resources
Check out these resources nitinol and its fascinating properties!
The Origami Revolution
Take time to watch this video about using origami in solving various engineering problems with materials.
Upcoming ASEE Conferences
Come check out the amazing developments being done at the ASEE Conferences. The link (click here) gives the dates of future conferences and workshops. Some of our PD staff will be at the 2017 ASEE Workshop on PreK-12 Engineering Education!