
Global Awareness:

I am working toward the goal of Global Awareness in several ways. During my first semester, I have joined Ohio State’s Undergraduate Student Government. I serve as a member of the diversity inclusion committee and together we raise awareness for those who are being discriminated against; we have already held several discussions about international students and those of the LGBTQ community. I plan to continue my role in USG for all my undergraduate years. I have also become a member of the Collegiate Council on World Affairs, our Model UN. Each week we meet to discuss international issues and we occasionally have mock UN meetings revolving around certain international issues. I also plan to study abroad this semester in Nicaragua to learn about the aspects of international health care and to help patients abroad.

Original Inquiry:

This semester, I volunteered as a research assistant in a psychology lab. I assisted in organizing and analyzing data along with preforming several of the threat analysis experiments being run by the lab. I plan to pursue my own research topic within the next year. I am very interested in understanding deviant and abnormal behavior. I am currently a member of URO’s mentorship program and have attend several meetings on how to start your own, independent research.

Academic Enrichment:

I plan on enriching myself both inside and outside the classroom. I am currently on a pre-med track and am involved in rigorous academic coursework. I am very passionate about achievement and plan to do the very best I can. I am also a member of the pre-med club and the chess club which is intellectually stimulating without a lecture or an exam.
Leadership Development:

I am currently a floor representative of my dormitory. I work with my RA to schedule and hold events for my floor. I’m also the voice for our floor on where we think portions of our funds should be allocated. I am also a member of USG and help represent the entire student body. During my undergraduate years, I would like to prepare myself for my career, develop myself as a citizen of the world, and to give back to my Ohio State community.

Service Engagement:

I have already volunteered for several organizations on campus and plan to volunteer at the Wexner Medical Center next semester. I also plan to pursue  a career as a physician in the United States Air Force. I think this is a great way to give back to those who have given the most for our country.

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