French and Women’s Rights in the Middle East

French paper

I have had the pleasure of continuing my education in French here at Ohio State. During this time I have been able to greatly expand my knowledge on the French language and culture and I hope to use this knowledge when I study abroad my sophomore or junior year. I have enjoyed learning about various French speaking countries and their affairs in the world. This knowledge has carried over to the International Affairs Scholars and the many world issues and topics we discuss. I hope to use the French skills I have acquired for the rest of my life.

Encountering Contemporary Art

Us IS Them Response Paper

During my second semester of my freshman year, one class that I especially enjoyed taking was Encountering Contemporary Art, which is a requirement for the Studio Art minor. This class was mainly a forum for discussion over many themes of art, including identity, religion, place, and symbols. Being surrounded by a bunch of like minded thinkers was a fun experience and made me optimistic for my future in the art world. This paper was one of the few response papers I wrote after visiting many differing exhibits and collections during my second semester. This class has definitely shaped my way of thinking and viewing art and has brought me many great opportunities to see art from artists I would have otherwise never heard of.

Digital Imaging Self-Portrait


In my digital imaging class my second project dealt with the theme of self-portrait. My proposal for this project focused on how my childhood has shaped me to be the person I am today. It also dealt with my conflict over what my future in the art world will be. In this image I combined an original drawing of my own with the image of textbooks to convey my personal struggle over my future. I believe that this work strongly portrays my identity and “self-portrait”. I selected this piece for an artifact as I feel that it helps convey my character and personality. This piece also plays a strong role in my identity as an artist and will effect my future works.