Dr. Ludsin delivers keynote at ecosystem management symposium

Dr. Stuart Ludsin gave a keynote address at the 1st Annual Centre for Ecosystem Management Symposium.

His talk was titled, “Meeting the challenge of implementing ecosystem-based management in the North American Great Lakes Basin.”


Ludsin Lab welcomes two new technicians on Kylee Wilson’s PhD research project: Neil Hamrick and Addie Zeisler. Additionally, Kylee is mentoring an OSU undergraduate student, Olivia Houpt, as part of an Ohio Division of Wildlife Research Experience for Undergraduates program being run through the AEL.

We also welcome Kevin Reeves, and undergraduate research aide who is joining us from Bowdoin College for the summer to help on Jacob Bentley’s catfish project.

Undergraduate Theses Defended!

AEL Logo with Mortarboard, text "Congratulations!"AEL undergrads advised by Stu, Jacob Bentley and Kristina Fite, recently defended their undergraduate theses. We congratulate these students on their academic achievements and their upcoming graduations!

Jacob will stay on at the AEL to complete his master’s on a similar project as his undergraduate research. His undergradate thesis was titled, “Seasonal varition in the feeding ecology of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) in Ohio reservoirs.”

Kristina will continue on at the AEL as a technician on the microcystin project. Her thesis was titled, “Understanding the distribution of microcystin in Lake Erie’s food web.”

Kylee Wilson attends GLFC Meeting

Lower Lake Committee Meetings Kylee Wilson attended the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lower Lakes Committee Meetings March 29-30. This the Lake Erie Committee’s annual public meeting to review progress towards fishery objectives.

Kylee mostly participated in the Lake Erie portion of the meeting. She attended research talks on the status of the Lake Erie fishery, and made connections with other researchers working on Lake Erie. This was a great opportunity, and we are grateful to Kylee for representing the AEL at this meeting!

Dr. Ludsin at GLOW10 Conference


Dr. Stu Ludsin co-chaired the Scientific Committee for the Great Lakes of the World (GLOW) Conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania this week. The conference was titled, “GLOW10: Celebrating 25 years of Great Lakes of the World: Lessons learned and future perspectives for the Great Lakes.”

Dr. Ludsin and conference co-chair Dr. Mohi Munawar

GLOW is a chapter of the Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Society (AEHMS). The conference was sponsored by the Great Lakes Fishery CommissionKenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, and Lake Tanganyika Authority. The conference will result in a special issue of the journal Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management.

Stu gave three talks throughout the week, including a keynote address:

  • Needs for and challenges to successful implementation of ecosystem-based approaches in the world’s Great Lakes.
  • Overview of the 2019 CSMI program designed to understand harmful algal bloom & hypoxia impacts on Lake Erie’s webs.
  • Keynote: Understanding and anticipating fish community change in large, human-dominated lakes: lessons learned from North American Great Lakes.

Research Review 2022

Researchers and fisheries biologists from across the state gathered in Columbus for a two-day conference on the status of research on the fisheries of Lake Erie and Ohio’s inland waters on December 8 & 9. Dr. Ludsin and the Aquatic Ecology Lab hosted the event at the 4H center on OSU’s campus.

Stu presented a talk titled, “The wicked problem of managing multiple fishery and water quality services: insights from a century of change in Lake Erie.”

Many other folks from the AEL, the Ohio Division of Wildlife, and many other universities in Ohio presented on many topics and taxa related to fisheries management in Ohio.

Dr. Ludsin lectures at Ball State

Dr. Ludsin was invited to give a talk to the Biology Department at Ball State University on Friday, Novemeber 18.

He presented a talk titled, “Past and anticipated impacts of human-driven environmental change on Lake Erie’s fisheries and fish communities: a tale of change and tradeoffs.”

Kylee Wilson talk at Millersville University

Kylee Wilson was invited to give a talk at Millersville University in Pennsylvania by Dr. Isaac Ligocki, a one-time technician for Stu Ludsin at the AEL.

Kylee briefly presented via Zoom on November 9 on her ongoing PhD project here at the AEL as well as a more thorough look at her master’s project on Lake Ontario yellow perch.

Welcome, Kylee!

Dr. Ludsin is welcoming Kylee Wilson as his new PhD student this fall. Kylee joins us from SUNY Brockport after completing her master’s on Lake Ontario yellow perch. Kylee will work with Stu on a project in coordination with the Ohio Division of Wildlife exploring the relationship with Lake Erie yellow perch and the invasive zooplankton Bythotrephes.

Kylee has hit the ground running with her first few weeks filled with field work, helping out on Yifan’s catfish project, and even spending a week at Stone Lab to help coordinate the Fisheries Science Training workshop!