Lake Erie CEAP

Western Lake Erie Basin Conservation Effects Assessment Project

PIs: Scott Sowa (TNC), Jeff Arnold (USDA ARS), Stuart Ludsin, Jeff Reutter (OSU/Ohio Sea Grant)

The key to conserving freshwater biodiversity in Great Lakes watersheds, much of which is dominated by agriculture, is increasing Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as no-till farming, filter strips, and cover crops. Yet crucial questions remain:  How many acres of BMPs do we need to see an improvement in freshwater biodiversity?  And, where do those BMPs need to be placed in the watershed?  If we can answer those questions, we can make the best decisions about where to invest, and we will know what kinds of ecological outcomes to anticipate. With this project, my colleagues and I to do that by merging and adding to complementary, existing models that assess the impacts of BMPs in the Western Lake Erie Basin Watershed.

Find more information on the Aquatic Ecology Lab project page.