Three new publications from the Ludsin Lab group this summer, including press around the publication of Zoe Almeida’s dissertation research.
Almeida, L.Z., S.A. Ludsin, M.D. Faust, & E.A. Marschall. Lingering legacies: Past growth and parental experience influence somatic growth in a fish population. Journal of Animal Ecology
Ludsin, S.A., M. Munawar, S.A. Bocaniov, L.T. Johnson, D.D. Kane, N.F. Manning, and C.M. Mayer. 2023. Ecology of Lake Erie – Nutrients, microbes, algae, and dreissenid mussels: A synthesis. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 26(4): 131-138.
Budnik, R.R., K.T. Frank, L.M. Collis, M.E. Fraker, L.A. Mason, A.M. Muir, S.A. Pothoven, D.F. Clapp, P.D. Collingsworth, J.C. Hoffman, J.M. Hood, T.B. Johnson, M.A. Koops, L.G. Rudstam, and S.A. Ludsin. 2024. Feasibility of implementing an integrated long-term database to advance ecosystem-based management in the Laurentian Great Lakes basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research 50(2): 102308.