Welcome! Fall 2024

The Ludsin Lab welcomed one new graduate student this fall: Demetra Williams. Demetra will be pursuing a PhD project with Dr. Ludsin.

This summer we said farewell to longtime office manager, Melissa Marburger, who retired at the end of June. Dr. Ludsin has taken on two new undergraduate thesis students, Lyndy Heign and Kayla Geller, in addition to Emma Ficorilli who began her undergraduate thesis in the spring.

Many Ludsin Lab members attended the department of Evolution, Ecology, & Organismal Biology welcome event on Tuesday, August 20 at the Museum of Biological Diversity. They enjoyed food and a chance to socialize with others in the department. All of the new graduate students and postdocs in the department were introduced in an informal ceremony of sorts, in which new people receive an EEOB mug.