About Me


Screenshot_2015-11-01-20-54-35-1Hello!! I’m Maria Lucas and I’m from a small town outside of Pittsburgh, Pa. I can’t wait to start my first year at OSU as a pre-public health major, biological sciences scholar student, on a pre-med track (Whew that’s a mouthful!). I’m often described by family and friends as hard working and always smiling. In high school I was the president of the Spanish club, and a captain of the tennis and swim teams. Although you will probably never again see me in a pool doing laps, I still love to hit a few balls on the court. Ever since I was little I loved science, and over the years, I have developed an appreciation for other cultures. I plan on applying to the public health major specializing in environmental health sciences. I also hope to have the opportunity to study abroad. In my free time, I’m looking forward to exploring Columbus in search of great ethnic food and maybe an art gallery. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.