Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

For this module, I think the most two important things I learn are SQ3R for active reading and better understanding of people’s memory model.

SQ3R is a better way to force me do the readings for my classes as most students have huge reading materials. S stands for Skim, which means we can choose any comfortable way, skimming all the content and having a brief idea about the article. Q stands for question. It means before starting reading, we should ask ourselves some questions and find the answer for it by doing the reading. 3R stands for Read, Recite and Review. This process helps us find the answers for our previous questions and could force us complete the reading through the questions even the most boring reading assignment. Also don’t do mindless highlighting. Do not highlight the whole sentences but mark important connections in the sentences instead. Highlighting the whole sentences is useless and isolate the information from the whole article, a terrible strategy. It doesn’t mean we should not do the highlighting but do it in a more scientific way which will help us more.

Second is about how we memorize things, the information process model. First, we memorize unlimited things for 2-3 seconds. After that, our brain will clear some part of it, and only memorize 5-9 items for 5-20 seconds. At last, we will only remember those encoded things and keep retrieving them. So it’s significant for us to memorize things more scientifically.

I will try the strategies in the future and hope I will do better with the help.

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