
Step Internship Project at Fischer Homes (resubmission)

The internship I did over the summer was for 12 weeks at Fischer Homes. I did day-to-day training with some of the best salesmen in the company. I also finished the internship with a final project presentation in front of many of the companies department heads.


I definitely had a change of how I view myself. There was a certain shift of attitude from the beginning of the internship to the end. At the beginning I felt like a lost kid just trying to blend in with all the adults in the room. By the end though, I felt like I was confident and a professional who had gained respect from those around me. The biggest change as the view of myself.

To start, I would say the relationship I had with my trainers helped change my view. AT the beginning of the 12 weeks they were all very straight up and honest with me from the start. Their names were Travis, Dustin, Jacob, and Josh. I rotated weekly being trained by those guys. Some I trained with more than others. But all of them were very helpful and honest.


The first day Travis looked at me and said “why are you here?”. Ultimately he was setting me up for a very real and very deep question. Why was I there….why was I actually there. And the answer I gave him was the honest truth and he respected me from that point on. I told him I am looking for a career and this might be of interest to me, but honestly i have no idea what it is so I might hate it.


One of the bigger relationships that grew was the one with my manager. Cj, was a great mentor and role model for me throughout the 12 weeks. Cj was brutally honest with everything he said. He was positive and optimistic with me through everything. He helped me realize I was in a position where I had power and control and that i wasn’t just some intern.


This overall growth and change about the view of myself is helping me not only in the long run but also in the near term. I am more confident overall and realize I do have control over the things that happen in my life. In my professional goals as I go back to Fischer Homes full time this growth will help me in the building of my personal brand as a salesmen. Confidence in my academics helps me be more efficient and has lowered my procrastination levels.

Inside of a house I helped sell