G-Global Awareness. I am going to Nicaragua in December to strengthen my global awareness. I also would like to attend the South Africa study abroad trip later in my undergraduate degree. I think that study abroad is going to help me see what life is like in other countries.

O-Original Inquiry. I plan on applying for the CFAES Summer Research Opportunity either this year or as a sophomore. I want to get involved in research, and then maybe as a junior or senior complete original research for Research with Distinction.

A-Academic Enrichment. I have enriched my college experience already by joining pre-vet club and the Ohio State Equestrian Team. These clubs have enriched my life by giving me a social experience at college.

L-Leadership Development. I plan on developing leadership by holding a leadership position in the biological science scholars organization, pre-vet club, or the Ohio State Equestrian Team. I like being a leader and talking in front of groups, but I would like to enhance my leadership skills.

S-Service Experience. I have started looking into service organizations that I can join next year. I would like to work with animals or medicine as part of my service engagement. Service is important to me and Ohio State offers so many outlets for service. It is hard to pick a club to join or an organization to complete service at.


GOALS Essay with Actions In Depth

Becoming a veterinarian is a long and daunting process that can overwhelm even the most committed students. The goal of becoming a veterinarian has been with me ever since I was little, but I have matured throughout the years and started to reach for these goals. I worked for a professional dog trainer, was a member of the FFA, and took horses to the fair through 4-H. My past has shaped who I am and what I want to be in the future. My long term goal can be accomplished by breaking the process up into smaller goals for each undergraduate year I attend Ohio State.

For my freshman year, I set goals to be an active member in the Ohio State Pre-Veterinarian Club and the Ohio State Western Equestrian Team. I have already met some of these smaller goals and believe that these clubs are enriching my education here at Ohio State. Joining club’s freshman year is a great way to have leadership opportunities later in college and sets a student up for success. Pre-Vet Club is going to help me have the opportunity to volunteer at the Ohio State Veterinary Medical Center. I have started exploring my community service options by going to the Buckeye Community Service Day. I also plan on attending a research forum in the spring of my freshman year. A high GPA is a very important aspect of getting into the veterinary program at Ohio State. I plan on using office hours and learning to use other resources my freshman year to better prepare myself for exams. On campus, I need to become more involved with faculty to establish relationships for a letter of recommendation for veterinary school later on. Also, the faculty can give me great advice. Also, I will be going to Nicaragua on the FYE Study Abroad Trip that is in December. This is going to help strengthen my global awareness.

As a sophomore I will start volunteering regularly at a specific organization. I will also apply for a summer research project. Keeping my grades up will be crucial, as sophomore year I will be taking organic chemistry. I will also need to create a professional resume that is updated with all of my current information for when I apply for research. I would like to either have a job or shadow a veterinarian consistently throughout the year. This is extremely important since the average applicant into veterinary school has 1800 hours of veterinary experience.

My junior year I should have the opportunity to be in a leadership role in a club. I will need to gather recommendations from faculty, staff, and veterinarians. Test prep is also extremely important since I will need to take my GRE my junior year. I will also need to apply for veterinary school this year. My grades are still important and it is essential that I have the majority of my prerequisites done for veterinary school by this year. I would like to go to Africa for a month or experience a study abroad that is more long term than my week long Nicaragua trip as a freshman. I want to become engrossed in the culture and learn more about the people so that I can have a more well rounded global awareness.

Senior year is about preparing for my final application. I need to practice interview questions and attend mock interviews. I also need to meet with an advisor to ensure I am going to graduate on time.

I want to incorporate all of the GOALS of honors and scholars into my plan at Ohio State through summer research, study abroad, leading a club, being an active member in academic clubs, and being committed to community service. I want to make the most of college and these goals are important to me. I will use my motivation to be persistent and accomplish becoming a veterinarian.