Looking On The Brightside

Having experienced so much in London, I have learned that 10 days is the perfect amount of time to really immerse yourself in the culture and visit all of the extraordinary places a city can offer. Although we all came back to what was completely unexpected before the trip, I find that I have been given time to really think about my experience in London instead going straight back into the college stress. In London, we were doing so much that one thing led to the next and then we were already boarding our flight back to the US. Using my extra week of spring break isolating, I did a lot of thinking about how fun London was and how much more I want to travel the world. I feel lucky we were able to visit England and I’m happy everyone stayed safe. No one really knows when people will revert back to their normal lives and can travel again, but for now I hope everyone is also reflecting on their time in London.

My favorite moment in London was when I was able to go to Hyde Park after visiting the Natural History Museum. My group and I just sat in the park and enjoyed the sunny day. I was able to finish up some sketches by relaxing under a tree and watching people go about their day (sometimes with dogs!). That is definitely a moment I will remember about London forever.

Here are some of my favorite pictures I took while abroad as well:

Salisbury Cathedral



View from The Shard

Palm House At Kew Gardens

Trees near Buckingham Palace



My Favourite Day.

Experiencing Westminster Abbey and having the freedom to pick my own museum and explore the city for the rest of the day was the best part of this trip for me. That day was also a big stepping stone for me because I switched from using pencil to pen and allowed any mistakes speak for themselves. From the beginning of this semester, I wanted to improve my drawing skills. I had never taken an art class (except for studio) before this one and I was excited to see myself learn and grow. I am normally very precise and careful with my drawings so when I was able to just go straight in with pen, I felt as if I accomplished something big for myself.

A quarter of Westminster Abbey!

My First Days in London!

Having experienced so much within a few days, I can’t just pick one favorite place I’ve been to. Walking through Barbican and experiencing the brutalist architecture was very interesting to me. I always thought brutalist architecture was harsh and ugly (oops). However, walking through Barbican really made me appreciate the simplicity behind the structures. My favorite parts were definitely the green spaces and water features. I also really liked the lecture before hand. I thought it prepared me to admire the meaning of the structures before I walked through the scene again. Understanding why a designer used a different texture of cement helped me notice more details.

Barbican Apartments With Greens!

I also really enjoyed Saint Paul’s Cathedral. This cathedral, along with Salisbury cathedral, was on the top of my list and it definitely lived up to it’s expectations. Comparing the surrounding architecture to this cathedral is like trying to compare the size of the moon to the Earth. It was massive and impressive. I felt tiny walking inside and I felt like I was flying when I went to the top of the dome. The details inside of the building were amazing as well. My favorite part of the inside was the quire. I really like the contrast of the dark wood with the gold everywhere else.

Interior of Saint Paul’s Cathedral.

Another fun moment I experienced was sliding down the Twizzler at the Olympic Park. It was funny that we had to use the helmets and arm pads but I had a lot of fun going down the slide.

The Twizzler!

Kamilla Wieckowski

Kamilla Wieckowski’s Pre-departure Post

    I have made it to Chicago already and the thing I was really worried about has already happened. The turbulence on the ride from Columbus to Chicago was really bad but the next flight should be better since it will be a bigger plane. I have some time to calm down now and focus on the exciting part of this trip, which is making it to London. 

    I am ready to experience the lifestyle and culture in London and I am mostly excited about seeing St. Paul’s cathedral and St. Mary’s cathedral in Salisbury. I remember visiting Europe in the past and seeing the gothic cathedrals. It’s really cool to see the structures and level of detail put into everything and I think it will be mind blowing to see both of those amazing cathedrals. 

    I am also excited to try the new food and enjoy my free time wandering the city and meeting new people. Trafalgar Square is a place I can see myself going to after 5 PM. The tube system is another obstacle I’m worried about too but I think once I ride the tube a few times, it will get easier to navigate myself through the city.

Kamilla’s Bio

Hi! My name is Kamilla Wieckowski and I am on track to graduate with a bachelors of science in Civil Engineering with a minor in Architecture. I am from Solon, Ohio which is about 30 minutes southeast of downtown Cleveland but my favorite part of my hometown is definitely the city! I am very excited to see London because Cleveland and Paris are the only major cities that I’ve been to and I believe it will show me many differences between the cultures and architecture. Paris is more traditional and filled with Roman architecture, but on the other hand, Cleveland architecture is more progressive and industrial (from what I’ve seen). I hypothesize that London will be a mixture of the Roman architecture in Paris but also with some more progressive and industrial architecture that is similar to Cleveland. What I am most excited to see on this trip is the Salisbury Cathedral or the Cathedral of Saint Mary. I always find it astonishing how grand old churches are and the height of the ceilings always amaze me. The pictures of the Cathedral of Saint Mary show a sublime scenery and I am excited to be able to see the construction in person.


This is me, Kamilla!