Reflections of Thames

I cannot believe how much fun I had on the trip with everything going on. The trip really masked what was happening in the rest of the world and when I arrived back home, I was astonished at how serious the problem was and how we had just been going on in London not really knowing the vast majority of the isolating from other people. The trip was an incredible experience that I thoroughly enjoyed throughout the entire thing. I enjoyed seeing all the places that we talked about in class and really experiences the spaces in person. One of the places that I enjoyed more than I thought I would was Queens House. The area was very picturesque and the house was extremely gorgeous. I also enjoyed all of the museums more than I would and thought everything was at a bigger scale than what I imagined it to be. I was very sad to go home and I wanted to stay for longer. When I am older, I am hoping to live and work in London and get to experience the place as a hometown. The city is incredible and the views and people there are even better. I do not regret anything about the trip (maybe my phone being stolen) and I cannot wait to return!


Lili, Tyler, and I in the London Eye!

Summer solstice arrow at Stonehenge

Glass Staircase at Victoria and Albert Museum

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