Latifa’s Pre Departure


I am super exited to be in London in few hours! I cannot wait to arrive there. I have been waiting for this day for so long, and it’s finally here. I have so many place in mind to visit, there are places that I am most exited to visit then others.

The first place would be St. Paul’s Cathedral. I am super exited to walk in between the domes, hopefully it is not scary, but even if it is, I really want to experience the feeling. I also wants to see the inside of the cathedral and the beautiful details of the architecture.

The other place would be Kew Gardens, especially the palm house. I hope the weather would be good to walk around, but I am so excited to take pictures of everyone there, also walking on the glass bridge. It’s going to be a different experience.

Another would be Olympic village, the most exited thing about that is the slide. I have being watching YouTube videos about what is it like to go down that slide, and I cannot wait to try it myself.

I am so exited to visit food markets, I think it would be something very interesting, and exited to try different food.

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