Hi, Im Anthony Battaglia. I am a second year majoring in architecture. My home town is Millburn, New Jersey which is a suburb of New York and is about 40 minutes from the city. I have also lived in Cleveland, Ohio and Chicago, Illinois. Being at Ohio State is a great fit for me, since the campus is in an urban area, and I’ve lived close to big cities growing up. Some hobbies of mine include snowboarding, swimming, sailing, photography, and traveling. I have traveled to more than half of the States along with Canada, plus a few countries in the Caribbean. I am very excited to visit London because I have never been there before. I love visiting different cities, and London has always interested me. What interests me the most about London is how new modern towers/buildings are built right along the historic/classic architecture throughout the city. I am looking forward to seeing Stonehenge because it amazes me how old it is, along with the history behind it. St. Paul’s Cathedral looks breathtaking from the pictures I have seen, and I am excited to see the cathedral in person.
Me in Chicago last summer