Visiting Tate and Shopping

On the free day in London, Tyler, Lili, and I took the town alone and navigated ourselves throughout the city through the tube and with maps. We went to Tate Modern on our first stop because we did not have much time there in the first place. I could spend hours upon hours at the museums. I love looking at each and every piece when I visit. We got to explore a lot of art that we did not get to see in the first place including art and society. This area was all artists who had more radical ideas about art and used art to depict provoking thoughts. We also got to see a Mara Naar part of the exhibit that was free. I really enjoyed her work because of the simplicity of it and I also recently got a tattoo that looks similar to the one of her drawings. We also went through the Soho area to look into the street wear shops. I found each of the stores really intriguing because of the way they were all designed and set up. I also found them really interesting because something that they do not do in America is blast music in their stores and it creates a really interesting vibe that I appreciated. I also appreciated the fashion in London and how nice everyone looked. 



Me at Tate Modern on Fountain

One of the Streetwear displays

Another display of the streetwear

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