Not the end we were expecting, but a fitting one no less.

At the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year I could not have believed the situation we would all find ourselves in at the moment, let alone returning to London for spring break. Although London remained one of my favorite places on earth and I would always jump at any chance to return, I simply did not have the funds to go again with graduate school on the horizon. However, by sheer luck and thanks to the gracious generosity of others, I found it possible to return. Upon arrival, in general, this time there was confidence in myself not as a tourist, but being a traveller. In being a traveller, I felt more assimilated to the cosmopolitan environment that surrounded me, where I was immersed in the way of life, rather than only paying my respects to basic sites. Yet, even the cultural sites that were revisited offered a new pleasurable opportunity to explore them further. Seeing them in an all new light and the new profound sense on me they had to offer, now that I had matured in being and knowledge in the past 2 years since I had visited.

Although this semester I was looking forward for all of the “last” memories to be made with old friends here at Ohio State, the new friendships I was able to discover on this trip before our time was cut short will hold a very special place in my heart, just as the city of London itself does. I am so thankful to have been able to return to London, and explore it one more time before who knows when any of us will be afforded the opportunity to return. Due to the generosity of others, I was given an unparalleled transformative experience as the capstone of my senior year, and although it was not expected as my senior year send-off, it certainly proved to be a memorable one.

Senior Portrait

Fun Times with New Friends 🙂

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