Conflict in Architecture

For one of the last blog posts for this trip I thought it would be nice to reflect on the experience. Coming to London I was riding this high of leaving for spring break. I was in a state of excitement because I knew I was going to turn 20 in London whilst also just leaving mid review on high hopes. I was excited to see St. Paul’s, Tate modern and the general city context. For the most part I was very fulfilled by this trip. That being said, in the midst of the trip our academic semester was put to a halt due to the Coronavirus. So as the trip progressed the pandemic began to morph our classes to become online and to start us on a process to leave the university. For me, this conflict made me wonder and reflect on architecture that is created from conflict. An example being north Ireland within the years of 1960-90. During this time the country was under siege but the city Belfast was still developing and the city’s architecture reflects that. In the case of London you can see much of the architecture around St. Paul’s. During WW2, St Paul’s was protect by people constantly however the aerial surrounding it was completely destroyed. Due to this the architecture around the cathedral was birthed out of conflict.



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