Experiencing London

My Experiential Map!

By far my favorite sketch that we have done from this trip was the experiential map. I liked it because it helped me to reflect back on the day and remember exactly what we did. It also gave a new perspective to just how much are we covered, and helped me relate a map to the experience of walking through a space. I also enjoyed making quick little sketches of the places we visited, and accompanying them with longer descriptions of my experience in that space. I think this is the sketch I’m most proud of, and I am really happy I learned about this type of sketch in this class.

2 thoughts on “Experiencing London

  1. I really enjoyed this sketch and the content behind it too. It really give life to the experiences we had and the places we went to. It will be a great thing to look at later on to know where you were so you can mentally retrace your footsteps back through the city without being there.
    I like seeing the small sketches too because they look like markers in place and time that can guide other thoughts and feeling that happened not only at each sketch but around then as well.
    I also can believe how much ground we covered. Getting around by train was far, but then walking it was something else. And after doing the walking tour it was great to be able to know the different parts of the city when we went out the other days.

  2. Sabrina,

    I really enjoy your experiential map. I think it is interesting how we both went on the same journey that day, saw the same things, yet represented it in different ways in our map. I think it just goes to show that experience is relative. You highlight certain elements that I too saw, but did not think to put on my map. Perhaps it is because they did not stand out to me in the same way they stood out to you. I would be interested to see what everyone else’s maps look like. My guess is that no two are the same.

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