A Take On Stonehenge

Our visit to Stonehenge was one thing that I looked forward to the most out of everything we had planned on this trip. When we arrived at the parking lot, the stones were nowhere in site, but a short bus trip down the road revealed the stones slowly as we went over the hill. It was a windy and rainy day, but that did not stop me from taking in the amazing view of the stones that stood in front of me. In my sketch I wanted to capture the massing of the stones and how they relate to each other in size and shape. I also wanted to capture the different shades of darkness, which included shadows and natural darkening of the stones. Luckily I had a lot of time on the site and I was able to capture most of the details with out having to use a picture. Finishing the sketch on site meant I had to sit in the rain to get it done, but it was worth it!

2 thoughts on “A Take On Stonehenge

  1. Very good illustration of Stonehenge Jake! We were fascinated by the fact that these huge stones were able to be moved from so far away without the benefits of modern technology!

  2. When we arrived in the parking lot at Stonehenge I was also a little bit confused as to where the actual stones were. I thought it was weird that we had to board a bus and drive all the way down the road. However on the bus ride the anticipation was building, and it made the visit feel like much more of a procession and a ritual rather than just a tourist site. Your sketch of the stones is great and I think the pencil shading sketch was a cool way to do it. I did mine in pen, but I wish I would’ve tried it in pencil because I think that does a better job of showing off the shades, as we can see from your great sketch!

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