Window into the old Monarchy: The Tower of London

Today I am thankful that our group was fortunate enough to have received a tour of Westminster Abbey. From seeing the tombs of Queens Mary I and Elizabeth I, it was only a natural segue that for the museum we were able to venture to on our own was the Tower of London. Upon entering the establishment one immediately spots “Traitor’s Gate”, which Queen Elizabeth I herself passed through while under arrest by her half-sister Mary I. This entry point from the river comes to meet the first set of the Tower’s defenses as its path joins that of the pedestrian to being to pass through the multiple layers of inner fortifications of the Tower. This dense layering most definitely serves its purpose of intimidation upon the pedestrian even today as it proved to be an impenetrable labyrinth of walls we most certainly needed to be guided through. Upon entry into the main center of the Tower, it was incredible to enter the White Tower itself; serving as a fortress, palace, armory, etc. it was well apparent its significance at the literal and contextual core of London’s history. Across from the White Tower the Crown Jewels are housed. To be allowed to view these left me speechless. The items all showcase the deep, rich history of the United Kingdom as one of the world’s foremost empires in history from the sheer grandeur and global utilization of materials for the jewels themselves. I am most thankful to have been able to see them. On a more solemn note however, from the entrance of the Crown Jewels display one is able to gaze upon Tower Green. It is here numerous history shaping, albeit gruesome events took place. For example, Lady Jane Grey, Queen of 9 days before Mary I usurped her on throne, was beheaded here at just age 16; as well as Queen Katherine Howard, Henry VIII’s fifth wife, just at age 19. Most infamously though, it is also the location of Queen Anne Boleyn’s execution; mother of Queen Elizabeth I and the catalyst for England’s split from the Pope. Anne is buried underneath the floor of the adjacent chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, and to witness the seemingly nondescript tomb of one of the most controversial women in all of history, was well worth the overall ticket price and free choice to visit the Tower of London today in my opinion.

Anne Boleyn’s floor grave marker in chapel

The White Tower

Interior Chapel of St. John

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