Stonehenge Shenanigans

Quick sketch of Stonehenge

Our visit to Stonehenge at the end of a long day was unfortunately pretty rainy and windy. I was able to get a rough outline while on the site, and then I was able to add details and color later on from a photo. My goal with this sketch was to capture the texture and shadows of the stones, which I think I accomplished pretty well. I do wish I had more time on site to complete the drawing instead of referencing a photo. I’m glad I chose to use color for this sketch, I think it adds some more description and depth.

One thought on “Stonehenge Shenanigans

  1. Hi! I thought Stonehenge was really cool too but I wish the weather was a lot better than what it was, just like you stated. I struggled being able to hold my sketchbook paper down while sketching and the rain made my paper wet and smear. On the bright side, some of my smears ended up looking like the stone because of the light to dark contrasted parts. You, on the other hand, sketched on an IPad so I could see the concern regarding the technology and rain. I also made a rough outline of my Stonehenge and finished the major details inside the Stonehenge cafe later. It was nice to be in a warm environment to sketch instead of a windy wet one. Overall, I enjoyed being able to see one of the seven wonders of the world, but I agree with you when you say the long day ended up being rainy and windy.

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