Sam’s Pre Departure Blog

As I am currently sitting in the Chicago airport waiting for our flight to London I am getting very excited to arrive in country and experience all of the sites on our itinerary. I am most excited for our day trip to Stonehenge and Stourhead. I remember learning about Stonehenge for the first time a few years ago and being amazed by it. I also remember seeing Stourhead in photos and thinking that it looks just like an ideal landscape in a painting. I can’t wait to finally get to see both of these sites in person.

I am also very excited to visit Kew Gardens as it is one of the most notable landscapes we will get to see. I originally wasn’t extremely excited to visit Kew Gardens, but after we learned more about it in class recently, I am eager to see it in person. I especially can’t wait to walk on the sky bridge because I like heights and I think that it will be a very unique view and way to experience the landscape.

I was too excited to sleep the night before our flight, so I’m not sure if I will be able to sleep on the plane either. I can’t wait to get started on our trip and begin experiencing the culture and all of the sites that London has to offer.

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