Liliana’s Pre-Departure

After experiencing my very first flight from Columbus to Chicago, the trip went from surreal to palpable in one turbulent ride to be followed by another. I am very excited for the first night of sleep in another country as well as our first trip to St.Paul’s and really being able to navigate the area around our hotel and to orient myself in London. Being able to explore the city in different ways is important to me for the independence of our visit and being able to fully immerse myself in a different city and culture. Among the days spent traversing the dense city, I am looking forward to the days planned to break away from the urban area and be able to experience a more serene atmosphere of nature landscapes such as Stonehenge and Stourhead which have always felt sublime and unreal to me. I am also looking for smaller opportunities in London like markets in Covent Garden or getting a discounted ticket to a show, or even seeing a play. Once I get a feel for the city I am really excited to know my way around with a new transit system and be able to find unique places to visit in my free time.

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